10,000th person gets COVID-19 vaccine at GEMA Mass Vaccination Site

COLUMBUS, Ga. (WRBL) - City of Columbus leaders are calling it a huge victory. The GEMA Mass Vaccine Site at the Civic Center vaccinated its 10,000th person Wednesday morning.

Columbus Mayor Skip Henderson and City Manager Isiaiah Hugley made it their mission to witness the milestone. Henderson said it's huge step forward toward getting back to normal.

"This is great for our city," said Henderson. "We're doing every thing we can to return to some kind of normalcy."

The mass vaccination site has been operating for almost three weeks now. Officials with GEMA credit much of their success to community partners.

News 3 spoke exclusively to the 10,000th vaccinated person about the process.

"I feel good," said Susan Calhoun. "I wasn't expecting to see the mayor or everybody. But it's neat. Very neat. Everybody needs to get shots so we can all stay healthy and live a little longer."

Calhoun said the process was smooth and efficient.

If you would live to receive a vaccine at the GEMA site, you can register by going to myvaccinegeorgia.com. Drive-ups are welcomed.

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