Pro athletes sign autographs in exchange for necessary goods for the community

COLUMBUS, Ga. (WRBL) - Three NFL players made their way back to Columbus to give back to their hometown. NFL tight end, Brandon Barnes, Jaguars defensive player, Gabe Wright and Cowboys defensive player, Walter Palmore autographed pictures in exchange for necessary goods for the community.

In addition to the three pro players, Harris County High School record holding quarter back, Taquon Marshall and CFL offensive linemen Ucambre Williams were also at the daily necessary goods drive.

"This my hometown, you know. This where I come from, this where I was raised, you know," said Palmore. "Like I came up like some of these people, you know. We need help you know and like it's good to help out the less fortunate when you are fortunate to do it.”

The daily necessities people were being asked to donate included things like bug repellant, feminine hygiene products, deodorant, soap, toilet paper and more.

The drive was organized and put on by Impact Performance RX. Youth Director of the organization, Jonathan Karastury said after the drive they will be giving the goods to M2540, another local organization, who will distribute the items throughout the community.

"I just love that we can all rally around sports, and that you've got these three guys that are local, you know, from Russell County, Hardaway and Carver and then went off to play professional ball and still come back to their community," said Karastury. "Because they know that there's a need and they want to be able to support that and give to those who are in need."

The drive took place from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Even after the players were done signing autographs they stuck around to chat with local families and kids, something NFL Tight End Brandon Barnes said was equally as important.

"Well you know you can say something small to a kid and you know it’s able to change their life," said Barnes. "You know, just the smallest little comments, you know can you never know how far they can go, you know just by talking to them."

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