Severe weather returns this week

Say good-bye to the stretch of warm and dry days as we start a pattern shift starting Monday. Monday you will start to see more clouds move into the region ahead of a weakening frontal boundary. We still be on the warm side of this stationary boundary heading into Tuesday afternoon where we could see scattered thunderstorms, a few could be elevated depending on the wedge of cold air to the northeast and how far southward it creeps.

Weather Aware - Tuesday early: Cold front #1 Severe weather set-up for damaging winds mainly and a possible tornado. Late Monday watching timing across north central Alabama through early Tuesday morning. All subject to change. Hazards for wet roads and storms for treacherous travel, etc. This places our viewers in a Weather Aware morning.

Weather Alert - Wednesday late afternoon through late evening: Cold front #2 Severe weather set-up for damaging winds and tornadoes. Late Wednesday afternoon-evening. Confidence high for supercell storms and strong tornado threat. This set-up is our first big severe set-up for 2021. A lot of tweaking for timing, etc. Stay tuned.

Once we are past this active pattern we end the week returning more seasonable and mostly sunny as high pressure builds in for the upcoming weekend.

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