Georgia, South Carolina governors join others in opposing court-packing efforts

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WSAV) – Governors of Georgia and South Carolina, along with 17 other Republican governors, have sent a letter to the president opposing any efforts to pack the Supreme Court.

The governors called the notion of increasing the number of justices "unprecedented, unproductive and unpredictable."

In April, President Joe Biden signed an executive order creating a bipartisan commission to study court reform, including the number of justices, term limits and the selection process. The commission, composed of 36 members, has roughly six months to detail its findings in a comprehensive report.

Days after the commission was formed, a group of congressional Democrats introduced legislation to add four seats to the Supreme Court.

At the time, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Biden would wait for the commission’s report before taking a position on packing the court.

The Supreme Court has been comprised of just nine members since 1869. The 19 governors say that composition has long served the nation "even when faced with landmark, controversial decisions."

"We call on you to rebuke any attempts to pack the Supreme Court for political gain and to protect the integrity of the judiciary as a coequal branch of government," the letter to Biden reads.

During President Donald Trump's term, he nominated three justices, including conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who replaced the late liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Conservatives have a 6-3 split with liberals on the court.

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