Family members of Michelle Cummings, who was fatally shot to death in Maryland earlier this week mourn her death

MONROE, La. (KTVE/KARD)-- Family members of Michelle Cummings, a Monroe native who was fatally shot to death while dropping her son off in Maryland at the Naval Academy are mourning her death.

NBC 10's Bryce Oselen sat down with the mother and brother of Cummings who tells us she was a loving mother, daughter, sister, friend and overall just an awesome person.

Audrey Jordan, Cummings mother, says she spoke with her daughter after she arrived in Maryland and told her to call her back once she got settled. Unfortunately, Jordan says she never got that call; her daughter never called her back.

"I'm strong though, I know about God, and I know whatever God plans for you is for you. And it's about God's timing, not ours", said Jordan.

The family says they've talked to law enforcement that are working the case and have assured them that they will make an arrest in this case.

Tune in at 5:00 pm this evening to see the full interview with the family.

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