Cuomo sexual harassment report response: 'I never touched anyone inappropriately'

NEW YORK --- New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo responded Tuesday to findings by the state attorney general that he sexually harassed multiple state workers as well as women outside of his administration.

In a recorded statement, the governor dismissed the findings from New York Attorney General Letitia James' investigation, which he alleged was not impartial.

"The facts are much different than what has been portrayed," Cuomo said. "I never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances. That is just not who I am and that's just not who I've ever been."

Cuomo said his lawyers had produced a point-by-point rebuttal of some of the allegations made against him. He also aired a photo montage of himself kissing, hugging, and touching people at public events throughout the years and made the argument that this behavior was "meant to convey warmth, nothing more."

"I actually learned it from my mother and from my father ... I do it with everyone; Black and white, young and old, straight and LGBTQ, powerful people, friends, strangers, people who I meet on the street," he said. "I do kiss people on the forehead…I do embrace people. I do hug people: men and women. I do on occasion say 'ciao bella.' On occasion I do slip and say sweetheart…I am the same person in public as I am in private."

The nearly five-month-long investigation, conducted by two outside lawyers who spoke to 179 people, found that the Cuomo administration was a “hostile work environment” and that it was “rife with fear and intimidation.”

People interviewed included complainants, current and former members of the executive chamber, State troopers, additional state employees and others who interacted regularly with the governor.

James said the team also reviewed more than 74,000 pieces of evidence, including documents, emails, text messages, audio files and pictures.

Employment lawyer Anne Clark, who led the probe with former U.S. Attorney Joon Kim, said they found 11 accusers to be credible, noting the allegations were corroborated to varying degrees, including by other witnesses and contemporaneous text messages.

“These interviews and pieces of evidence revealed a deeply disturbing yet clear picture: Gov. Cuomo sexually harassed current and former state employees in violation of federal and state laws," James said.

In his response, Cuomo specifically addressed allegations by former aide Charlotte Bennett. The governor said Bennett had told him she was a sexual assault survivor and "her story resonated deeply" with him because he had helped a family member through a similar experience.

"I did ask her questions I don't normally ask people," he said, but added: "They read into comments that I made and drew inferences that I never meant."

The governor then apologized to Bennett.

"I am truly and deeply sorry," he said.

Cuomo also appeared to reject calls for his resignation, saying he would “not be distracted” from his work as governor.

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