Prayer service for Ukraine to be held at New Hope Presbyterian Church

COLUMBUS, Ga. (WRBL/AP) - The United Nations’ top court has ordered Russia to stop hostilities in Ukraine, granting measures requested by Kyiv, although many are skeptical that Russia will comply.

Ukraine had two weeks ago asked the International Court of Justice, also known as the World Court, to intervene, arguing Russia violated the 1948 Genocide Convention by falsely accusing Ukraine of committing genocide and using that as a pretext for the ongoing invasion.

The court’s president, U.S. judge Joan E. Donoghue, demanded Wednesday that “the Russian Federation shall immediately suspend the special military operations it commenced on Feb. 24.”

In Columbus, members of the international community here are calling on others to join them in prayer for Ukraine, as Russia continues its invasion of the country.

Galina Shehane of Ukraine says everyone is invited: students, military, retirees, anyone concerned about Russia's attack on Ukraine.

The prayer gathering gets underway on March 16, 2022 at 6:30 at New Hope Presbyterian Church. The church is located at 4142 Weems Road in Columbus, on the corner of Weems and Moon Roads.

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