+22 year MCSD Coach honored with gym renaming; leaving a legacy following cancer diagnosis

COLUMBUS, Ga. (WRBL) - The Muscogee County School Board unanimously approved the renaming of the Veterans Memorial Middle School Gym. Coach Jay Wilson has been at Veterans Memorial Middle since it opened in 2007. After 22 years and being the school's only athletic director and girls basketball coach, he is being honored where his name and character will leave a life long legacy.

Following a stage four cancer diagnosis, Coach Jay Wilson continues to put a smile on his face and motivate those around him. He has been referred to as the heart and soul of the school.
A place he called his second home, the gym, will now forever read Coach Jay Wilson Court.

Speechless, Coach Jay Wilson didn't have the words when he found out that the new hardwood at Veterans Memorial Middle School would be named after him.

"You know a lot of people think about their legacy. I've never thought about that. I've always told kids and I've told others, they're not going to name anything after you. They're not going to name anything after me."

Coach Jay Wilson - Veterans Memorial Middle School Athletic Director

That's not the case for Coach Wilson anymore in due time the court that now reads VMMS and Rangers will soon say Jay Wilson Court. Coach Wilson has been highly recognized on the court and in the classroom, but his character is what truly defines him.

"Jay does care about the students, he cares about the school, he cares about the people he comes in contact with everyday. I think those things are what it leaves behind: a legacy of dedication, commitment, and caring."

Robert R. Ogburn, Veterans Memorial Middle School Principal

Coach Wilson tells WRBL he prefers to be the man in the background, watching those he has invested in succeed.

"When you do things with the heart, the right heart. When you do things with the appropriate hat that you wear. Like I wear a hat as a father and as a coach, and you put those things together. The whole thing is seeing the kids respond."

Coach Jay Wilson, Veterans Memorial Middle School Athletic Director

Following a stage 4 cancer diagnosis, he says it has made him think about the time he has left. For Jay Wilson, his priorities have always been constant. God, his family, his school and his students.

"My family is…. don't make me cry. They mean everything. They're the cornerstone of why I do or did the things that I did."

Coach Jay Wilson, Veterans Memorial Middle School Athletic Director

Coach Jay Wilson's character and name will forever be apart of the Muscogee County School District and Veterans Memorial Middle School. He shares a message for everyone to remember.

"Never give up. A lot of people think they are judged by one thing. Oh, I failed that test. I lost that game. That's just part of the story. How you respond to that. Where you go from there, what are you going to do tomorrow? But after thinking about it, it's a tremendous honor that they are naming the gym after me."

Coach Jay Wilson, Veterans Memorial Middle School Athletic Director

Coach Jay Wilson has impacted generations of families across our community. There wasn't a student in the hallway who didn't say hello, high-five or hug when Coach Wilson was back on campus.

The board approved the vote unanimously at Monday's school board meeting. Now, the school can make the change.

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