Hamilton City meeting to discuss hiring new police chief ends in call for another meeting

HAMILTON, Ga. (WRBL) - The City of Hamilton hosted a meeting to allow citizens to come and express their concerns regarding the hiring process of a new police chief.

The meeting comes after the city requested the resignation of former Police Chief Gene Allmond and Sergeant John Brooks after bodycam footage was discovered showing the two using racial slurs and other inappropriate conversations.

The meeting took place a 6:00 p.m. at Hamilton City Hall. There were 11 citizens in attendance and five of those citizens spoke.

Despite the city hoping most of the concerned people would be actual citizens of Hamilton, a majority of those in attendance were from other parts of Harris County.

The city still allowed everyone who wished to speak the time to express their concerns. The concerns ranged from frustration over the initial incident that was caught on camera to how the city will handle hiring a new police chief and their police departments training moving forward.

The meeting ended with an agreement for the City to host a townhall event in the coming weeks.

Harris County resident Heather Smith said she feels good about the outcome of the meeting.

“I felt like we got heard, um they expressed what they needed to tell us," said Smith. "And I think we decided this is a bigger problem and a bigger issue for all of us."

Hamilton City Attorney Ron Iddins said they're open to a townhall and want to get citizens involved. However, he makes it very clear that the final decision will come from the City of Hamilton and not outside groups.

"We’re not going to involve outside agencies and entities. They’re welcome to come and participate, but once again, this is something that the mayor and council will be governed by as we go forward in the selection process," said Iddins. "And we do invite the citizenry to come out and tell us what their concerns are. I promise we will all listen."

Assistant to the Mayor Buddy Walker said he wants the townhall to take place on Hamilton City property.

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