Watch: Burning van rolls down driveway, across street

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (KNWA/KFTA) — Police dash and body cameras captured a burning van as it rolled down a driveway and across a street, leaving flaming debris in its wake.

The Fayetteville police and fire departments responded to a report of a vehicle fire around 11:20 a.m. on March 10.

As an officer arrived, a van could be seen on fire up a hill in a driveway. The officer stopped his patrol vehicle only feet away from the entrance to the driveway.

As the officer was getting out, the burning van came loose and started rolling down the driveway, dragging a trailer behind it.

The officer yelled out, "Hey, get out of the way!" as the van, spewing flames and black smoke, rolled down the driveway, across the street and into an empty lot.

The officer grabbed his fire extinguisher from his patrol vehicle and ran towards the driveway where the vehicle had been parked.

The officer began extinguishing the yard, which had caught fire. After stomping out the flames, the officer asked if everything was OK.

Soon after, the Fayetteville Fire Department arrived and put out the van before the fire spread. Police said there were no reported injuries.

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