WEATHER AWARE: Damaging wind gusts possible with Sunday afternoon thunderstorms

Latest analysis of our next storm system keeps us weather aware for Sunday afternoon and early evening as there will be a threat for primarily damaging wind gusts along the squall line.

Late Sunday morning line approaches the northwest viewing area. Then the line weakens slightly and the tornado threat diminishes because of the lack of a shearing environment; however, the tornado risk is not zero as we could see a spin-up tornado along the leading edge of the squall line. Primary hazards will be damaging winds and as a reminder straight line winds should not be taken lightly.

Sunday afternoon and into the early evening squall line will be move across the News 3 viewing area from northwest to southeast with daytime heating helping to increase our severe chances slightly mainly for our southwestern Georgia counties. Storms may become a tad more potent with intensity increasing before the line exits Sunday evening.

After this front is through we remain in an unsettled pattern through midweek before another cold front comes crashing through the southeast. Next front should arrive Wednesday with more scattered showers and thunderstorms. Watching this system closely to see if it warrants Weather Aware, but at this time it does not. After this front passes we cool down and enjoy several days of sunny quiet weather.

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