WEATHER AWARE: Potential for damaging wind gust, heavy rainfall through 4pm

Line of thunderstorms approaching the News 3 viewing area with the potential for a few strong wind gusts possible along with heavy rainfall.

Good news right now, the greatest dynamics and CAPE (convective available potential energy) overlap not quite there as the line has shown considerable weakening throughout its track across Alabama. However, the sun has popped out across east Alabama and west Georgia which could help give the line a spark of energy for a strong wind gust which could reach 60 mph within the stronger storms

Storm Prediction Center has outlined a slight risk (2/5) of severe storms across our northern counties of Chambers, Troup and Meriwether. A marginal risk (1/5) of severe storms for everyone else across the News 3 viewing area.

Squall line moves out by late afternoon and early evening with gradually clearing behind the front. Clouds continue to mix out letting temperatures fall into the mid to upper 50s by late tonight. Overnight we will see temps fall into the 40s.

After this front is through we remain in an unsettled pattern through midweek before another cold front comes crashing through the southeast. Next front should arrive Wednesday with more scattered showers and thunderstorms. Watching this system closely to see if it warrants Weather Aware, but at this time it does not. After this front passes we cool down and enjoy several days of sunny quiet weather.

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