Back to a summer time pattern; tropical moisture works back in next week

COLUMBUS, Ga. (WRBL) -- Returning back to the typical summer time pattern with isolated afternoon pop-up thunderstorms as we continue to be influenced by Atlantic moisture with winds out of the east. Monday we see somewhat of a break in the action with just a stray shower or storm, but by mid-week we are watching a tropical disturbance off the east coast which will likely increase our rainfall chances later in the week.

Along with the tropical rainfall potential, an approaching front from the northwest moves into the region around Friday driving rainfall chances higher and coverage to more scattered.

Temperatures for the most part will remain below average with afternoon highs hovering around 90ºF. Our average high temperatures is 92ºF for this time of year, but with the increased chance of rain our temperatures will be a tad bit cooler through the forecast period. Although temperatures are slightly cooler expect humidity values to be on the higher end with the increased moisture.

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