94-year-old Alabama woman tries on wedding dress for the first time

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WIAT) – Wearing a wedding dress has been the dream of a lifetime for Martha Mae Ophelia Moon Tucker of Birmingham.

She got married in 1952 when her late husband said he would take her to the movies, and instead they ended up eloping.

Moon Tucker, 94, never had a traditional wedding —  but this weekend she at least got to try on dresses surrounded by her family. The first dress she tried on was her favorite, making her feel like a queen, she said.

“I felt like I was getting married,” Moon Tucker said. “I looked at myself and said, ‘Who is that?’ Yeah, I enjoyed that dress.”

Her husband passed away in 1975. Moon Tucker said she can’t thank her grandchildren enough for helping her get into a wedding dress.

“The experience was the joy of me getting in that wedding dress and being able to say I got married,” she said. “I have enjoyed this, really.”

Moon Tucker’s story has been shared thousands of times on Facebook since it was posted. Over the weekend she also had brunch, her makeup done and a reception at Applebee’s to complete her special day.

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