'Folks have not been out of water since July 4': Sea Breeze owner speaks out on water issue

COLUMBUS, Ga. (WRBL) - Residents at Sea Breeze Mobile Home Park have had running water at full pressure for a few days now.

News 3 spoke with residents who said their water had just come back on between July 31 and August 5. While speaking with a resident, an employee from the maintenance team informed News 3 that the water had been fix and running for the past two weeks. But after speaking with Sea Breeze owner George Whaling, he says the water was fixed a few days ago.

"Just to be clear, the water is running without interruption and it has been I think for the last 48 hours. We had a water break in one of the lines, which happens, it's an older park. Some of the infrastructure is dated and older, so breaks happen," Whaling said.

Whaling also stated residents have not been without water since July 4.

Usually, we're able to identify the break very quickly and we're able to fix it very quickly, and I'm talking about it within a number of hours. With this particular incident that was not the case, there was an issue with that main trunk going into that particular area of the park. What we were able to do and to be clear folks have not been out of water since July 4, every time we go to work on that particular line we will shut down the water to that section of that park. So that plumbers and excavators can open up underneath the road and find out what's happening.

After speaking with several residents who said this was not the case, Ivy Hamlin said she and her family had to move in with her parents because they had no water for weeks.

"Everybody that's up at the top has had water but the people that's below the main pipe, we've been without water from anywhere to three weeks to a month. I had to move in with my parents for three weeks because I didn't have water and I couldn't bring my children home with no running water," Hamlin said.

Residents at the mobile home park have mixed responses as to when the water came back on and for how long they were without running water. Resident Sherri Hollard said residents have not been without water consecutively since July 4.

"No, it has not been since July 4, everybody is out of water. No, it has not, we have had water mostly at night time and during the day it's off for them to fix it. There has been four people without water day and night solid for three days. I supplied water to them and then it got fixed and it is fixed now," Hollard said.

But Hollard also told News 3 it is an inconvenience for them not to have water.

"Well we have been without water for some time, it's been like the first of July but we are not left at night without water. We have water not during the day but at night, there are a couple of people near me who have been without water for three solid nights, day and night. That's an inconvenience, we need our water, cook, clean, we have to shower," Hollard said.

Hollard said she's seen maintenance working day and night to get the issue resolved.

"They get it fixed in one hole up mud deep to their waste and the other part breaks. We all have to understand that, so let's give them a little cooperation and a little patience so they can get things taken care of. I have seen a list on Jimmy's desk that's the manager who unfortunately passed, my best friend. I saw a list of plumbers that he tried to get and he got none, they wouldn't work for him," Hollard said.

Resident Regina Morrison saw things differently than Hollard.

"They're lying, we have not had water all but three days. We have had water a total of 20 days but even when we had water it wasn't fully functional, it was cloudy, it was poor pressure. It was off during the day like they said but they weren't out here working on it every day like they said. Maybe six out of the 30 days that passed they were outside working on it, only three days a professional plumber was outside working on it but other than that it was local people working on it," Morrison said.

Morrison said her water has been fixed since July 31 and Hamlin said her water began working two days ago. Both Morrison and Hamlin have been charged for water that they did not have, other residents within the mobile home park have also been charged for a full month of water.

"I have literal video proof of not having running water on the second because the lady in the front office was like, 'Y'all been had running water so I went home, turned on my sink and videoed it so I would have proof that we haven't had water," Hamlin said.

Hamlin and Morrison are both afraid the water in the mobile home park will shut off again.

'Yes, I'm honestly scared that it's going to bust again and I'm going to have to move back to my parents. Then chase these new owners again about the rent," Hamlin said.

"I'm not 100 percent sure they fixed the problem, I think they might have patched that up. I'm praying that they've fixed it fully, but I'm not 100 percent sure," Morrison said.

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