46% of adults would listen to same song on repeat for 3 days — just for more 'me time'

NEW YORK — With the holiday season around the corner, a majority of Americans are pumping the brakes on their frantic schedules to get some much-needed “me-time.”

A survey of 2,000 people finds that for 77%, alone time is necessary for them to decompress. More than two-thirds (68%) are willing to say “no” to social plans just to have more time to themselves. Another 61% would do almost anything for more “me-time.” Forty-six percent admit they would even endure listening to the same song on repeat for three days straight if it meant getting more time to themselves.

No time for number one

me time holidays

Commissioned by WoodWick and conducted by OnePoll, the study reveals seven in 10 Americans will put their “me-time” on hold if life gets too hectic. Activities like fitness routines (42%), feel-good hobbies (40%), and healthy diets (39%) are all likely to go on the back burner. More than four in five (86%) believe having time to themselves is vital for their personal well-being.

The increased need for “me-time” comes from a variety of holiday-related tasks, including cleaning dishes after a holiday meal (38%), wrapping presents (35%), and cooking Thanksgiving dinner (34%). Finding moments of “me-time” during the holidays can help the 65% of respondents who find themselves overwhelmed and less engaged with others if they don’t get enough time to themselves.

Two in three Americans have dedicated more “me-time” to relax and recharge in the past year, with 68% developing new “me-time” indulgences as a result. Top new indulgences include reading more (31%), developing new beauty routines (28%), refining their wardrobe (27%), and preparing new, more exotic foods (26%).

“We encourage Americans to take a break before the holiday craze and spend more time reigniting your creativity, finding a new way to entertain your senses, and being more intentional with your ‘me-time’,” says Nancy Sacco, brand marketing director for WoodWick Candles, in a statement. “Many wait until it’s too late, and before we know it, the ‘me-time’ activities that help rejuvenate us and keep us grounded are pushed to the back burner. We want to change that and help Americans get ahead of the burnout this year.”

Best me-time practices

me time holidays

When indulging in something for themselves, 62% of Americans prefer sensory experiences — ones that use one or multiple physical senses — rather than material goods.

For nearly half the poll (48%), the best of both worlds come in the form of a candle. Respondents noted feeling calmer when having a candle lit nearby. A quarter (26%) add that candles make them feel rejuvenated, while nearly a third believe no “me-time moment” is complete without a candle (30%).

‘Me-Time’ is about making time for the things that make you happy. It’s those indulgences that make you, you,” Sacco adds. “It’s not about spending money on a massage, but about what you can do every day to take care of yourself, to be your best version no matter what the world throws at you. And sometimes all it takes is curling up in your favorite warm blanket, burning a crackling candle to set the mood and your favorite tunes.”

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