Montgomery street renamed to honor civil rights pioneer

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WRBL) - A civil rights pioneer was honored Tuesday in Alabama's capital. Jeff Davis Avenue was officially renamed Fred Gray Avenue in honor of the civil rights lawyer.

The 90-year-old Gray gained fame by representing both Rosa Parks and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, along with many others in his 60-year career.

Gray grew up near Jeff Davis Avenue, named after the former President of the Confederacy.

On Tuesday, the civil rights attorney acknowledged all those who stood beside him in the fight for civil rights

"I accept this recognition on behalf of all those unknown heroes and clients whose names never appeared in print media and who's faces never appeared on television," said Gray. "These are the persons who laid the foundation that you may honor me here today. "

Montgomery Mayor Steve Reed also announced today he is petitioning the White House to honor Gray with the Congressional Medal of Freedom.

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