As qualifying starts, Zeph Baker tells News 3 he will not seek mayor's post

COLUMBUS, GA. (WRBL) -- Two days into qualifying, one of the candidates who was considering a run for Columbus mayor has told News 3 he will not seek the city’s top post.

“Zeph Baker will not be a candidate for Mayor in the 2022 election,” Vincent Watkins said in an email to News 3.

A month ago, Baker told News 3 he was considering a run for mayor but had not decided.

Watkins is a political adviser to Baker and has been for many years. Baker ran unsuccessfully for mayor in 2018, losing to Skip Henderson in a crowded race that did not go into a runoff.

With four days of qualifying left, that leaves Henderson, seeking a second term, and Columbus businessman John Anker as the only two announced candidates.

Anker qualified Monday afternoon. Henderson told News 3 he intends to qualify after the Tuesday morning council meeting.

“I have not thought of any impact of any candidates who are in or who are out,” Henderson said. “My focus now is the same thing it has been the last three and a half years, to do the job I was elected. We are going to keep doing that.”

Anker heard on Monday that Baker would not qualify for the mayor’s race.

“I called him and I asked him,” Anker said. “He was very genuine, and we just had a short conversation where I told him there were a lot of things we agreed on. There are consequences either way for him running or not running for me in the mayor’s race.”

Qualifying ends Friday at noon. And Henderson said the race won’t be set until then.

“We’ll see at noon on Friday,” Henderson said.

In 2008, Baker ran unsuccessfully against state Rep. Calvin Smyre for the District 135 seat. Smyre is leaving the General Assembly to become the ambassador to the Dominican Republic once he is approved by Congress.

“Baker stated that he continues to be committed to Public Service and will share his plans for elected office in the near future,” he email from Watkins stated.

News 3 contacted Watkins to see if Baker might be considering the state House seat. Watkins would not confirm but an announcement could come in the next two days.

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