Alabama corrections officer arrested for trying to sell adult movies to inmates

MOBILE, Ala. (WKRG) -- A Mobile County Corrections Officer has been arrested for trying to sell "explicit adult movies" to inmates at the Mobile County Metro Jail.

Fredrick Johnson was arrested Tuesday on 21 counts of promoting prison contraband. The Mobile County Sheriff's Office says officials at the jail were conducting random bag checks while corrections officers were reporting for duty. They say Johnson was found with phone chargers, a camera, a camera watch, and flash drives loaded with movies. Some of those movies were explicit adult movies, according to the sheriff's office.

Items found (Courtesy: Mobile County Sheriff's Office)

Mobile County Sheriff's Office Detectives believe Johnson was bringing the items into Metro Jail to sell to the inmates.

"This behavior will not be tolerated," Sheriff Sam Cochran said in a news release about the discovery. "We are constantly investigating how contraband is brought into our jail and if we find it is one of our employees then we will arrest him/her just like we would anyone else."

Johnson began working with the sheriff's office as a corrections officer in 2019.

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