Alpha Phi Alpha Keeping Dr. King's Legacy Alive

Columbus, Ga (WRBL) - It's been 60 years since over 200,000 people participated in the March On Washington. That's also when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have A Dream" speech. 5 years later Dr. King was killed in Memphis, Tennessee. His legacy continues on this day. Around the nation there are schools, streets named after Dr. King. In 1983 Martin Luther King Jr. Day was made a federal holiday.

One organization that has an intimate and fundamental relationships with Dr. King is his fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha Incorporated. It's a legacy that current members like the president of the Delta Iota Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Morgan Hill are proud to carry on.

"It means a lot to us to carry on his legacy to know that he was one of our brothers in our fraternity. He was about service. I believe he was a modern day martyr, and he was about serving the people particularly people who were oppressed," said Hill.

Dr. King joined the Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha in 1952 at Boston University. To some of the current members he was a perfect fit to join a fraternity that has it's ideals in service to others.

"When you become an Alpha it's already something that's in you. He was already a servant. He was already a minister so he became part of an organization that was about service," said Hill.
While Dr. King was the face of the Civil Rights Movement, one of the lessons he taught is anyone can serve. It's a lesson that the Alphas still carry to this day.

"You don't need a degree. You don't need to be a president or whatever anyone can serve. So it makes us proud that he put service even in his position on the forefront. So kind of stick our chest out about being servants of all and being involved out there in the community," said Hill.

Every year to celebrate their late fraternity brother, the local chapter serves the Fountain City community with an MLK Day Breakfast.

"We have our yearly breakfast and we've been doing it for 37 down at the trade center and we celebrate his legacy. One thing we do with that is we raise funds, it's a fundraiser, and we provide scholarships to deserving students," said Hill.

If you want to attend the Alpha Phi Alpha Unity Award Breakfast, you can purchase tickets on their website

This year's breakfast will be held at the Columbus Trade Center on January 16th.
Glenda Hatchett, the star of the television show "Judge Hatchett" will be speaking at the event. The annual breakfast starts at 7:06 AM.

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