BREAKING: Mother of Kamarie Holland pleads guilty to human sex trafficking

PHENIX CITY, Ala. (WRBL) — More than two years after a four-year-old Columbus girl was brutally killed and raped, the girl's mother pleaded guilty to her role in the child's death on Wednesday afternoon.

Kristy Siple entered a guilty plea to human sex trafficking, which carries a 20-year sentence per agreement. Siple has also agreed to testify against Jeremy Williams, who is accused of killing Kamarie Holland.

The sex trafficking plea takes the murder charges off the table, but Siple still faces unrelated charges related to the alleged chemical endangerment to a child.

Williams is expected to plead guilty later today. He has a hearing scheduled in front of Johnson.

On Dec. 13 of 2021, Kamarie Holland was originally reported as a missing person by Siple.

Within 24 hours of being reported missing, Kamarie was found dead at a Phenix City home that had previously been rented by Williams.

Williams was taken into custody and charged with capital murder in connection to Kamarie's death. Williams' indictment alleges he videotaped the sexual abuse of Kamarie after he strangled her to death.

Williams is also being investigated for the 2005 death of his daughter, Naudia Treniece Williams, as well as having been indicted on a sexual abuse charge involving another child.

About three weeks after William's arrest, Siple was arrested in connection to the death of Kamarie.

Siple was charged with felony murder, and later charged with human trafficking as an indictment alleged Siple sold Kamarie to Williams for U.S. currency.

A human trafficking warrant previously obtained by News 3 stated Siple “did knowingly subject another person to labor servitude or sexual servitude….she did agree with another person to pay her for having sexual intercourse and sodomy with her minor child.”

Because of a gag order put in place by Circuit Court Judge David Johnson, prosecutors and law enforcement in Russell County cannot comment on the case. A filing by the judge does indicate William's hearing later on Wednesday is for a guilty plea.

WRBL will keep you updated on that hearing.

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