WEATHER ALERT: Wednesday PM and Thursday morning set-up for the first big outbreak of 2021


LONG DURATION EVENT: Weather 🚨 Alert-Wednesday PM through Thursday 11AM:  Enhanced and close to Moderate Risk E. Alabama 3 & High Risk possibly being added 4 out of 5 This is a stronger cold front #2.

At the time of this update severe thunderstorms are pounding portions of Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle.

These storms are part of the super cell variety and discreet, which indicates this system is strengthening and will be impacting us indirectly Wednesday afternoon and directly Thursday morning.  

Severe weather set-up: Damaging winds, hail, and strong tornadoes (possible long track).

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON: 3:00-8PM (Watching Discreet Cells)  

THURSDAY: 2AM-11AM(Discreet cells first then physical frontal induced storms) the frontal being the most potential to be strong and damaging.

Confidence high for supercell storms and strong tornado threat along the front 6AM-11AM. This set-up is our first big severe set-up for 2021.

*This front has the classic signature southwest tilt towards the northeast with discreet cells forming ahead of the front and squall line. These risks will still need to be taken very seriously for this time of year.  

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