Auburn University student reports rape at fraternity house

AUBURN, Ala. (WRBL) - An Auburn University student is reporting she was raped at a fraternity house prompting an investigation and campus wide email to the AU community.

News 3 is working to gather more information. The letter to the AU community is shared below:

Auburn University Community,

A female disclosed to police last night that she was raped Friday night at a fraternity house. The victim/survivor does not recall the details of the incident but disclosed physical injuries consistent with a rape.

Statistics about sexual assault indicate that nearly 90% of all completed or attempted rapes on college campuses are committed by acquaintances. Please remember that:

  • Rape is against the law and is a felony.
  • It is important for everyone involved in a sexual act to give consent to all aspects of the act. Consent is an affirmative, knowing and voluntary decision, clearly communicated through words or actions, and applies to all aspects of the act. Consent granted for one act does not mean consent for another.
  • Rape is not a crime of sexual desire. It is a crime of hostility and violence toward the victim/survivor. People often engage in victim blaming as a way to preserve the false belief that they will be safe from sexual assault “if only” they do not do what the victim did. However, rape is never the victim/survivor’s fault. Only the perpetrator chooses to commit sexual assault.
  • It is a myth that it can’t happen to you. Sexual assault can happen to anyone, regardless of age, race, class, religion, occupation, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, educational background, or physical description.

If you are a victim/survivor of sexual assault next steps are your choice. You are encouraged to:

  • Preserve evidence. Do not shower or change your clothing.
  • Dial 911 for emergency assistance or immediately go to the nearest hospital to get medical care and request a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (“rape kit”).
    • Rape kits can be collected at the following locations in Auburn:
      • East Alabama Medical Center Freestanding Emergency Department, 900 Camp Auburn Road, Auburn, AL 36832 (24/7)
      • AU Medical Clinic, 400 Lem Morrison Drive, Auburn, AL 36849(8am to 2pm, Monday-Friday)
    • A rape kit can generally be collected up to 72 hours after a sexual assault.
    • Victims/survivors can have a rape kit collected without filing a police report.
  • Consider reporting it. Notification options include:
    • Dial 911 (emergencies) or 334-501-3100 to reach the Auburn Police Division. The police are the only entity that can investigate a sexual assault for the means of criminal prosecution. It is important for them to gather evidence as soon as possible.
    • Dial 334-844-4794 to report the incident to the Auburn University Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Office receives official complaints of violations of the university’s Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy.
    • All survivors are encouraged to report the assault, but it is always the survivor’s choice whether or not to do so.

Sexual Assault Survivor Advocates On and Off Campus (24 hours a day)

  • Safe Harbor (on campus) – 334-844-7233 or
  • Rape Counselors of East Alabama (community) – 334-705-0510

Resources for Survivors:

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