Watch: WKRG broadcast tower demolition

SPANISH FORT, Ala. (WKRG) -- The dynamite was set and the tower came down as planned Monday morning, Jan. 24. If you missed our live streams, you can watch the tower demolition in the video above.

The old WKRG broadcast tower stood 1,000 feet until crews brought it down Monday in a controlled demolition. The tower was built in 1957.

The old tower stood next to a newer, 1,800-foot tower at the same site east of Highway 181, near Highway 31 and Jessie Rd.

The demolition was successful. Crews report that everything went as planned, with no damage done to nearby structures.

WKRG News 5 will bring you more details about this demolition throughout the day both on-air and online.

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