Family of Wagener-Salley teacher killed by utility pole files $100 Million Lawsuit

BAMBERG, S.C. (WJBF) - A family continues to fight for justice, seven months after 31-year-old Jeunelle Robinson was killed by a rotting utility pole.

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Attorney Justin Bamberg has been with them every step of the way.

“These parents – their pain matters. What Ms. Robinson went through – that pain matters," said Bamberg.

Robinson was killed on August 23rd, 2023, after a tractor trailer hit what Bamberg says was "low-hanging overhead utility lines", which pulled eight damaged poles out of the ground.

One of the eight poles flew in the air, striking Robinson.

Bamberg says Robinson did not die upon impact, but was officially deceased five hours later due to blunt force trauma.

Now, they are calling on the companies whose names were on the very poles that killed her.

“The pole that hit Jeunelle Robinson – that was rotted at ground level just like all the others–it had an abandoned Comporium line on it," said Bamberg.

The argument is that Comporium and Dominion Energy did not do enough to repair the damaged poles.

They have been in service for 60 years, and according to Dominion Energy’s policy, it is time for them to be replaced.

But according to lawsuit, the pole that hit Robinson was "at least 70 years old", and collided with her head with "bone shattering force" as she tried dodging it.

They also claim in the lawsuit that the same pole was a 1967 Comporium telephone line that was not in active service.

A Dominion Energy light was recently installed to replace the original 60-year-old light as part of a contract between the company and the town of Wagener.

But Bamberg says a complaint about the poles came to Dominion Energy just 5 weeks before Robinson was killed.

"On July 10th, the town of Wagener sent an email to Dominion," said Bamberg. "Had a complaint about Lee Street and Pickens Street--these very lines and poles."

Bamberg saw more damaged poles right next to Wagener-Salley High School on February 20th-just three weeks ago.

Robinson's father, Donovan Julian, says the video is only adding to the family's frustration.

“The fact that we had to hear and learn that after all of this, the very high school she taught at was in danger because of irresponsibility. The town itself is still in danger because of the lack of responsibility," said Julian.

Bamberg also showed pictures of letters students have sent to the Robinson family since their daughter's death.

Those students say she was a wonderful teacher who taught them many things, and will be dearly missed.

Bamberg has also had recent conversations with Wagener Mayor Mike Miller about the damaged poles.

He says Miller is a big advocate for the town and the Robinson family, but the action required is beyond the town's control.

"The town can't do anything," said Bamberg. "There's literally nothing they can do. The only person that can do anything is the companies themselves."

Research done by Bamberg shows that in 2023, Dominion Energy's net income was $2 Billion.

10 days after seeing the damaged poles next to Wagener-Salley High School, Bamberg says Dominion Energy announced they would be raising rates on South Carolinians this coming summer.

The family is filing for more than $100 Million, suing Dominion Energy Inc., Dominion Energy SC Inc., Comporium Inc., and PBT Telecom Inc.

Bamberg says that number will continue to rise if action is not taken.

"We will be filing an offer of judgement against each defendant for $65 Million, and it's up to them whether they want to do it or not," said Bamberg. "We believe that by the time they see everything, the numbers that we have discussed will look like chunk change."

Bamberg adds that he and the family have been in contact with counsel for the companies since last August, who did express their condolences.

"We got the standard 'Our condolences for your loss'. But if you look at Dominion South Carolina's registered trademarks, it says 'Actions speak louder'. We're not seeing that, hence why we're here," said Bamberg.

Dominion Energy has just released a statement to NewsChannel 6, saying they did not own the damaged pole that struck Robinson.

"Dominion Energy did not own the telecommunications pole that struck Jeunelle Robinson. We extend our deepest condolences to her family." --Dominion Energy

This remains an ongoing investigation.

You can count on News Channel 6 to bring you new details as soon as we learn them.

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