Storm in Manchester leaves Vietnam Veteran without home

MANCHESTER, Ga. (WRBL) — A Vietnam war veteran had only lived in his home for three months before it was destroyed. 

James Buchanan moved to Manchester to be close to his daughter and grandchildren. Buchanan told WRBL he enjoyed living in Manchester.

“The people are wonderful in Manchester,” Buchanan says. “The neighbors have been really nice up there and just a wonderful town, very supportive.”

Buchanan shared when he moved into the Manchester area he wanted to service the children within his neighborhood.

“I bought the kids in the neighborhood basketballs here when I moved in there. So they’d have something to do in the summer.”

James Buchanan, Vietman War Veteran

Buchanan was in the process of buying homeowners insurance on the house he bought in cash when his neighbor's oak tree fell on his home and car as a result of storm winds.

Buchanan says when the tree hit, he thought a plane had crashed into his home.

“I went and sat back in my chair and then I thought a plane crashed into my house, just this huge roar. And I look at my whole house is exploding,“ Buchanan shares. "The ceiling is coming down right on top of my head… and the tree went right over my bed and took out my bed and my TV where I would have been sleeping that night.”

“I would have been dead if it happened five or six hours later”

James Buchanan, Vietnam War Veteran

As Buchanan thought about the incident, he could not help but get emotional. 

“I was a helicopter door gunner in Vietnam, so I'm used to diversity and getting through a lot of different things,” He shared. “But this one here is one hard to take. All my furniture, my TV, my rug, everything I own pretty much destroyed.”

Buchanan’s daughter set up a GoFundMe page for anyone who would like to help.

Fundraiser by Laraine Kiser : Support Vietnam Vet James After Home Loss (

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