Stimulus check latest: Biden urges Senate Democrats to rally behind $1.9T COVID-19 bill

WASHINGTON (NewsNation Now) — President Joe Biden urged Senate Democrats on Tuesday to rally behind a $1.9 trillion COVID-relief bill and stood by his proposed $1,400 payments to individuals, even as some party moderates sought to dial back parts of the package.

“He said we need to pass this bill and pass it soon. That's what the American people sent us here to do, and we have to get America the help it needs," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told reporters, describing a 20-minute conference call Biden had with Democratic senators.

The president's call for unity came as Democrats, with no votes to spare in a 50-50 Senate, sorted through lingering divisions over the emerging bill. Those included moderates' efforts to focus spending more narrowly on those hardest-hit by the deadly pandemic and resulting economic contraction.

Biden took to Twitter to signal he wouldn't budge from his demand that lawmakers add a fresh $1,400 payment to the $600 that millions of individuals received from a December relief measure. That new installment comprises nearly a quarter of the overall bill's cost.

“The fact is that $600 is not enough. The Senate needs to pass the American Rescue Plan and finish the job of delivering $2,000 in direct relief,” Biden wrote in one of his infrequent uses of the social media platform.

The huge relief package is a too-big-to-fail moment for the fledging president, who would be politically staggered if Congress — controlled narrowly by Democrats but controlled nonetheless — failed to deliver. Conquering the virus that’s killed half a million Americans and flung the economy and countless lives into tailspins is Biden’s top initial priority.

So far, Republicans are following the template they set during Barack Obama’s presidency. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he hoped GOP senators would oppose the bill unanimously.

"It is my hope that at the end, Senate Republicans will unanimously oppose it, just like House Republicans did," McConnell told reporters, complaining that the measure was filled with provisions he said were unrelated to the pandemic.

McConnell accused Democrats of ignoring signs that the economy and the deadly virus’ rampage were beginning to turn around and shunning Republicans. Biden met with 10 GOP senators last month who presented a $600 billion plan one-third the size of his own, but efforts to find middle ground went nowhere.

“The new administration made a conscious effort to jam us,” McConnell told reporters. “We'll be fighting this in every way that we can.”

Nonetheless, Democrats are bolstered by opinion polls indicating a majority of Americans back Biden's aid plan.

The Senate is due to take up as early as Wednesday the measure passed last weekend by the House of Representatives.

Democratic senators were privately discussing reallocating at least some of the huge pot of money.

One project that got ditched on Tuesday from the Senate version of the bill was $1.5 million for a bridge connecting upstate New York with Canada. Republicans had charged it was an example of lawmakers funding pet causes because Democratic Senate Majority Leader Schumer is from New York.

But a Senate source said Schumer had no knowledge the funding for the Seaway International Bridge was in the bill until reading about it in the media, and that the request to include it in relief legislation was made last year by the Department of Transportation while former President Donald Trump was in the White House.

Democrats are using special rules that will let them avoid GOP filibusters that would require them to garner an impossible 60 votes to approve the legislation.

The Senate bill was expected to largely mirror the House-approved package, with the most glaring divergence the Senate's dropping of language boosting the federal minimum wage to $15 hourly.

Schumer said Senate debate would commence as soon as Wednesday and predicted, “We'll have the votes we need to pass the bill." Democrats want to send a final package to Biden by March 14, when an earlier round of emergency jobless benefits expires.

The bill has hundreds of billions of dollars for schools and colleges, COVID-19 vaccines and testing, mass transit systems, renters and small businesses. It also has money for child care, tax breaks for families with children and assistance for states willing to expand Medicaid coverage for low-income residents.

Two people said Biden told Democrats they must sometimes accept provisions in a large measure that they don't like. And it was clear there were still moving parts.

West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, perhaps the Senate's most conservative Democrat, said he wanted to pare the bill's $400 weekly emergency unemployment benefit to $300. That's the same amount Congress approved last December — on top of regular state benefits — and Manchin said the higher figure would discourage people from returning to work.

“It would be awful for the doors to open up and there’s no one working,” Manchin said of businesses reopening. Top Democrats and progressives oppose trimming those benefits, but Schumer suggested a final decision awaited, saying, “They're discussing it.”

Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, said he wants the bill’s $350 billion for state and local governments to specify minimum amounts for municipal governments and has called for $50 billion to improve broadband coverage.

Three centrist House members, Democrats Josh Gottheimer and Abigail Spanberger and Republican Tom Reed, urged congressional leadership on Tuesday to devote $45 billion to help local communities connect to the internet.

They also want the money to come out of the $350 billion for state and local aid included in the bill.

Their argument is that those with poor or no broadband access are stymied in accessing medical services, including registering for vaccines, and getting their children plugged in to remote learning during the pandemic.

A Senate aide familiar with negotiations said there were also discussions of tightening income qualifications for people receiving the $1,400 direct payments.

Despite every Democrats' huge leverage because all their votes and the two independents who caucus with them are needed, none have so far threatened to sink the legislation if they don’t get their way. All are aware of how that would rattle Biden’s presidency and Democrats’ ability to be productive during this Congress.

“We want to get the biggest, strongest bill that can pass, and that’s what we’re going to do," Schumer said.

There were indications loose ends were falling into place. In one sign, 11 Democratic senators wrote Biden urging him to use a huge, upcoming infrastructure bill to create regularly paid relief and jobless benefits that would be automatically triggered by economic conditions.

Some progressives had wanted those payments included in the COVID-19 bill. Democrats’ push to include it in later legislation suggested an effort to satisfy progressives while avoiding jeopardizing the current package.

Progressives, though, were still smarting over the virtual certainty that the Senate bill will lack the minimum wage boost, up from $7.25 hourly locked in since 2009.

The chamber's nonpartisan parliamentarian said last week that including that increase violated Senate budget rules. Opposition by moderates including Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., has left Democrats without the votes needed to salvage it.

A fundraising email by Our Revolution, a progressive political committee that was started by backers of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., underscored the left's anger. Sanders is chief Senate sponsor of the wage increase.

“The politician standing in the way of change is Vice President Kamala Harris," said the email, citing the possibility — already rejected by the White House — of her casting a tiebreaking Senate vote to overrule the parliamentarian. It said the organization will “hold her accountable if she decides to turn her back on essential workers."

If the Senate passes the bill, possibly by the end of this week, the House would then have to sign off one last time before sending it to Biden for enacting into law. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said that final vote would come next week.

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report. Reporting by AP's Alan Fram and congressional correspondent Lisa Mascaro; and Reuters' Richard Cowan and Susan Cornwell

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