Neighbor's quick thinking saves Ellerslie man, his dog and home

ELLERSLIE, Ga. (WRBL) - Around 6:40 p.m. Faith Noble was driving around her neighborhood when she noticed smoke billowing from a house, which belonged to Roy Conine. Noble said she remembers seeing Conine earlier that day in the yard with his dog, so she knew something was off and decided to place a call to emergency services.

According to Ellerslie Fire Chief, Skip Wyatt, Noble's quick thinking and intuition not only saved Conine's life, but also his dog and home.

"Her just being out and about, because at that time of the day when I got down there, it was just her and I on the street," said Chief Wyatt. "Not another soul in sight. If she wouldn’t have seen that I mean that’d, that’d be it."

Chief Wyatt said when he arrived on scene, he began banging on the door trying to get in. This is when he said Conine's hand met his on the glass before dropping to the floor.

Once another volunteer firefighter arrived, they were able to get in and drag Conine's unconscious body outside.

Conine said after starting his dinner on the stove, he sat down. This is where he accidently dozed off, allowing a kitchen fire to start without his knowledge.

Chief Wyatt, Noble and Conine all said the timing of the incident was an "Act of God."

"I think that the first responders did an amazing job, but yeah I mean, I can only say thank you to God for putting me there at the time and giving me the knowledge to call the emergency services." said Noble.

After pulling Conine to safety, firefighters were able to rescue his dog and stop the fire from spreading further than the kitchen.

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