Georgia (WRBL) – (No) Drunk Drama: The majority of co-working relationships in Georgia have improved since WFH began, reveals poll.
- 1 in 3 employees say the lack of afterwork drinks during the pandemic to be positive for co-working relationships.
- 42% say gossip and office politics have decreased since WFH began during the pandemic.
- 1 in 5 employees have personally witnessed an argument during afterwork drinks.
- Infographic showing coworking relationship ratings.
Since working from home (WFH) began over a year ago, office parties after landing a big deal, or even after-work beers with colleagues after a long day simply haven’t happened.
If you’ve ever had one too many drinks at a work event, you may have started to feel like you’re in a scene from the movie Office Christmas Party!
Although most real-life office parties don’t feature Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Spacey or Jason Bateman, there’s always one or two colleagues who go overboard on the drinking, which can lead to its fair share of drunken drama. Since these office occasions have been scarce since the pandemic, has there been a corresponding decrease in this drama?, a leading provider of addiction treatment, conducted a poll of 3,000 employees across the country and found that nearly 2/3 (64%) of Georgia respondents who have been working from home during the pandemic say their relationships with colleagues have improved since this transition (compared to a national average of 57%). Interestingly, more than 1 in 3 (37%) say that the lack of after-work drinks over the past year has been a positive contribution to better relationships.
A 2019 (pre-pandemic) survey found that the average employee spent more than $3,000 on after-work drinks.
As many know, alcohol can sometimes lower our inhibitions, and very regrettable statements are made that result in difficult discussions the next day. In fact, almost 1 in 5 (18%) respondents say they’ve personally witnessed an argument during after-work drinks before.
It seems lack of alcohol is ameliorating these encounters between colleagues as 42% say they feel work gossip and of office politics has decreased since people have been working from home.