Lee County D.A.'s office: man reported masturbating outside private residence found guilty of assault

AUBURN, Ala. (WRBL) – Tuesday, Sept. 21 Earl Fitzgerald Webb was found guilty for masturbating outside of a woman's house in 2017.

The victim saw Webb outside her window.

Webb was arrested the same night of the incident in 2017 and charged with criminal surveillance and indecent exposure.

Webb broke into the victims home and physically assaulted her the night before she was scheduled to testify at trial. He attacked her and repeatedly tased her with a stun gun.

Web was also convicted in 2020 of Criminal Surveillance and Indecent Exposure charges.

Sept. 21, 2021 Webb was found guilty of:

  • Burglary First Degree
  • Assault Third Degree
  • Intimidating a Witness

The State and jury agreed to classify Webb as a sex offender because the offenses were sexually motivates. He faces 10 years to life in prison.

Lee County's D.A. Jessica Ventiere released in a social media post, "Violent sexual predators have absolutely no place in our community. I commend the fortitude and bravery of the victim, who had to testify twice against Webb. First in the surveillance trial, and again this week. We pray she experiences peace and continued strength."

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