Huntsville girl has special 10th birthday request

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. - Kids typically ask for toys or fun things, items they've been eyeing for what seems like an eternity for birthday presents. One girl has an entirely different request.

For the last three years, Madison "Bunny" Wall has made a habit of asking for donations for others instead of gifts for herself for her birthday. Lloyd Wall, Madison's father, says she chooses a group or organization each year not just to collect presents, but to help raise awareness.

One year she asked family and friends to bring her donations for a local animal shelter instead of holding a big party with friends. People listened. Donations poured in. Madison and her family brought the items to the Ark Animal shelter in Huntsville. As a thank you, Madison and her siblings were allowed to spend several hours playing with all the animals - pure heaven for kids.

On the ride home that day, Madison was already thinking about what she wanted to do the next year and decided to collect items for the homeless.

With the help of her mother, an online wish list was made for simple items: toothbrushes, gloves, hats, water, etc. They contacted the Downtown Rescue Mission, put a call out on Facebook, and immediately started receiving donations - quickly filling up their home.

They also collected gifts for kids in the shelter for Christmas.

Three vehicles filled to the brim with items were taken to First Stop, a homeless assistance center in Huntsville, with the rest of the donations going to the Downtown Rescue Mission.

“It’s important to think about other people," Madison said. "I picked St. Jude because I saw the children on TV and their families, and they were sad telling their story and I knew I needed to help if I could.” 

A goal of 100 goody bags was made, but movies and board games are also being accepted. They've already seen several donations pour in.

Madison's actions have already inspired others, including her friend Brilee, who decided she wants to raise money for St. Jude for her birthday this year. The two will now donate to the hospital together.

Madison "Bunny" Wall and Brilee.

The two are already in talks for next year's project.

An Amazon wish list has been set up for items, which can be purchased from the site. Donations will be accepted through December 17. A Paypal account has also been set up for monetary donations.

For items that need to be picked up, or for more information on how to help Madison's cause, call (256) 808-4760, or email here.

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